Forever grateful to my dear friend and fellow photographer Bree Pettenuzzo for these images of my Benny and I xx

Hey, I'm Narelle

Your fur family photographer serving sunny coast & coastal vic

I didn't always know I wanted to be a fur family photographer, in fact it was not on my radar at all! However, I believe that the universe guides us where we are meant to be at all times.
I also believe, like other relationships in our lives, our dogs are here to teach us too. My boy in his passing taught me that the bonds we have with our pets should be celebrated like any other and the images of our bond become more precious when they're gone. He taught me my true purpose..

See my work

My love is shared with every click of the button - you get it all!

Through every adversity, comes a silver lining. Let my loss become your gain because when I work with fur families I give it my all. The love I have for my late boy Benson, the experiences I've been through and my heart and soul.

This is about more than capturing a perfect portrait of your pet. This about the love, the joy, the adventure and the creation of something that is so perfectly YOU!

Behind the scenes by Photographer Megan Gardner - Big thanks Megs x

Narelle was amazing! She captured the personalities of both my pups. The photos were stunning and I couldn't be happier.
